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1. González, M.E., F.N. Hale, M.J. Adams, D.A. Kidder, and P.J. Ruhl. 2023. Roosting distributions and habitat associations of overwintering White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) on the nonbreeding grounds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135:533-545.


2.   McKinney, A.B., K.N. Barlow, H.E. Adams, J.L. White, K.F. Kellner, and P.J. Ruhl. 2023. Foraging intensity of Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) in response to feed type and extreme winter conditions. Southeastern Naturalist 22:43-56.


3.   Ruhl, P.J., K.F. Kellner, and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2020. Ecological Factors explain habitat associations of mature-forest songbirds in regenerating forest clearcuts. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:145-158.


4.   Ruhl, P.J., E.A. Flaherty, and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2020. Using stable isotopes of plasma, red blood cells, feces, and feathers to assess mature-forest bird diet during the postfledging period. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98:39-46.



5.   Kellner, K.F., P.J. Ruhl, J.B. Dunning Jr., K.W. Barnes, M.R. Saunders, and R.K. Swihart. 2018. Local-scale Habitat Components Driving Bird Abundance in Eastern Deciduous Forests. American Midland Naturalist 180:52-65.  


6.   Ruhl, P.J., C.D. Delancey, and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2018. Roost preference, postfledging habitat use, and breeding phenology of adult female Worm-eating Warblers (Helmitheros vermivorum) on the breeding grounds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130:397-409.


7.   Ruhl, P.J., K.F. Kellner, J.M. Pierce, J.K. Riegel, R.K. Swihart, M.R. Saunders, and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2018. Characterization of Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) breeding habitat at the landscape level and nest scale. Avian Conservation and Ecology 13:11


8.   Homoya, W., J.W. Moore, P.J. Ruhl, and J.B. Dunning, Jr. 2017. Do American Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis dominica) Avoid Wind-energy Turbines in Agricultural Fields in Indiana During Spring Migration? The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129:863-871.


9.   Peele, J., C. Nix, P. Ruhl, R. Chapman, P. Zollner, and M. Saunders. 2017. Effects of Woody Biomass Harvests on a Population of Plethodontid Salamanders in Southeast Indiana. American Midland Naturalist 178:132-143.

10.  Ruhl, P.J., J.M. Pierce, and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2016. An Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Collecting Fecal Samples During Banding Studies: Revisiting an Underutilized Technique. North American Bird Bander. 41:145-150.


11.   Kellner, K.F., P.J. Ruhl, J.B. Dunning Jr., J.K. Riegel, and R. K. Swihart 2016. Multi-scale responses of breeding birds to experimental forest management in Indiana, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 382:64-75.


12.  Ruhl, P.J., R.N. Chapman, and J.B. Dunning Jr 2016. Field-Testing a Standard Metabolic Rate Estimation Technique for Eastern Red-Backed Salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 50:138-144.

13.  Ruhl, P.J. and J.B. Dunning, Jr. 2015. Morphometrics of Worm-eating Warblers in South-Central Indiana: Hatching-Year and After Hatching-Year Comparison. North American Bird Bander 43:81-84.

14.  Ruhl, P.J., J.K. Riegel, and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2015. Confirmation of Successful Chestnut-Sided Warbler Breeding in South-Central Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 124:38-42.



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